C-I-S: Medical School → AlbanyMS

EBM2- How To Make Decisions Better (Albany) (Albany002-EBM2)

This course delves into the process of making decisions in medicine, including common, predictable pitfalls. It gives learners several tools for policing their own decision-making processes.
  • Welcome
  • Welcome
  • Objectives
  • Self Assessment
  • Test Your Knowledge Overview
  • Write Down Your Answers
  • Question Review
  • How we think
  • One More Question
  • Answer
  • System 1 (Automatic) vs. System 2 (Deliberate) Thinking
  • Cognitive Biases that Affect System 1 Decision-Making
  • How System 1 Can Inappropriately Override System 2 Thinking
  • Changes in Decision Making Along the Continuum
  • Early, Middle, and Experienced Approaches to Clinical Decisions
  • Deliberate Practice: How Expertise Can, but Doesn't Always, Develop Over Time
  • Cognitive Biases that Can Affect Decisions
  • Confirmation Bias
  • Availability Bias
  • Optimism Bias
  • Semmelweis Reflex
  • Maslow's Hammer
  • What Does Steve Do?
  • Steve Is A. . .
  • Better is Possible
  • The Effect of Decisions on Health Care
  • Is Medicine Becoming Harmful to Our Health?
  • Healthcare Costs Have Outstripped Inflation
  • One Reason: Overuse and Misuse
  • Ethical Fallacies That Get In The Way
  • The "Buck Stops Somewhere Else" Fallacy
  • The "Marcus Welby" Fallacy
  • Is It Possible to Both Reduce Costs and Improve Care?
  • The Fallacy of Relying on Experts
  • National Initiative to Reduce Costs: The Choosing Wisely Campaign
  • National Initiative to Reduce Costs: The Right Care Inititative
  • Wrap up
  • Dave and Allen Unplugged: Does the President Have the Best Healthcare
  • Wrap-up and a Moment for Reflection
  • Assessment
  • Assessment EBM2
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed